Sunday, July 26, 2015

Girls, Let's Take A Tour Of America's Sleazy Motels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                It all started with South Of The Border, located in Dillon, South Carolina!  When I was a child, and we would make our Florida trips in the Sixties, this place fascinated me, and, of course, I wanted to stay there.  I was easily taken in, then, by crass commercialism, which should have told me, then, I ought to have gone into advertising.  Alas, I did not, and of course, my parents wouldn't hear of staying there!  My mother was appalled.

                                At least 200 miles before cars pulled up to this place, there would be billboards proclaiming it!  Like the one, pictured below!

Now follow my train of thought, darlings.  This led me next to thinking about  Hitchcock's "Psycho!  It opens in a sleazy hotel in Phoenix, Arizona, where Janet Leigh, and John Gavin, when he was hot, weer having a tryst.  He tells Janet, "A lot of couples spend an occasional night, at a cheap motel," which leads Janet to respond, "When you're married, you can do lots of things!"   Remember, this was 1960, 55 years ago.  Today, no one would even give this a thought!

Which does not mean there are not plenty of sleazy motels still out there.  You wouldn't believe what New Jersey has, dolls, but don't get me started.  Instead, let's focus on the sleaziness, not the locale!

                     How about the above?  This may look like a cartoon drawing, so I do not know if it is real or fictional, but it certainly spells out its intentions, loud and clear.  And notice there is "No Vacancy!!!!!!!"
Look at the Lorraine Hotel, located in Los Angeles, a city not lacking in sleaziness!  Wonder how many cheap tramps step out of there in the morning?   And what in the world are they wearing?  Probably falsies and Dolly Parton hair styles!   This is REAL trash, darlings, so if you want to experience the low life, come here!  It's probably run by Melissa Leo, and or, better, Maria Bello, whose career is pretty much washed up, anyway!

If one goes to Las Vegas, it is hard to resist the Fun City Motel!!!!!!!  I mean,  the world famous Chapel Of The Bells is a MUST!!!!!!!  I wonder how many of those weddings were shotgun, or post menopausal???????  And I would love to get a look at some of the cheap, tacky bridal gowns trash who would get married here, would wear!!!!!!!!!  When it comes to sleaze, I think Las Vegas even outdoes New York and Jersey!!!!!!!!!!

Speaking of Jersey, I am going to end our tour, there.  Though, I am sure, if some couple wanted to, they could do a fifty state tour, and chronicle, of motel sleaze!  Which is how, and wear, lots of porn gets made!  Not, at MY apartment, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In fact, you know which couple would be perfect for this?  Jack and Connie!  It would be more interesting than their Consumer Cellular commercials!!!!!!!!

And finally, a tribute to Sleazville!  The sign below says it all!

    Happy Sleaze, darlings!  Hope you enjoyed the tour!!!!!!!!!!!

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