Friday, July 17, 2015

Have You Seen "Grace And Frankie," Girls????????????????????

                               I was a bit skeptical when I sat down to watch this, but I have to admit it is pretty cute, and works, thanks to its cast of pros.

                                Jane and Lily play the title roles. Jane plays Grace, sort of retired lower tier Anna Wintour, and a super socialite, while Lily plays Frankie, an over aged hippie, who teaches art!!!!!!!!!!  Nothing in their backgrounds should have brought them together.  However, their husbands Robert (Martin Seen) and Sol (the brilliant Sam Waterston) have been law partners for decades.  Now in their seventies, everyone wants to settle down, with the encroachment of age, when the husbands drop a bomb on the wives.  For the last twenty years, they have not been just law partners, but gay lovers, as well, and now they want to live a full life with each other!  In other words," Hasta la vista, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                How Grace and Frankie, and the hubbies, cope with all this, is what the series revolves around.  If the cast weren't such  pros, this would not work.  Special praise goes to Sam Waterston for a touching portrayal of the fragile Sol, which has no trace of Jack McCoy in it, at all!  Kudos to these actors both, for playing intimate romantic scenes, and to Sam for having the nerve to kiss Martin Sheen!  I don't know if I could do that!  I would rather kiss Sam Waterston!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               It wasn't till several episodes in that I made the "Nine To Five" connection.  I think this is the first time Jane and Lily have worked together since that classic, thirty five years ago!  My God, can you believe it has been that long, darlings????????  So, no wonder all the scuttlebutt about Dolly Parton making a guest appearance on this show!  I think it would be great!   And Dabney Coleman,. too!

                              But these are just the cutest set of Senior Citizens you are ever going to see!  It makes one look forward to retirement!

                                 As if I do not do that, already, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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