Thursday, July 9, 2015

Here's Our Friendly, Neighborhood Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              This is Senator Marty Golden, who represents both our neighborhood of Bay Ridge, and Staten Island.  I know what you are thinking, darlings, "Yeah, right."  But there is nothing wrong with Bay Ridge. We live there, and so does our beloved Cujo!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                I don't think Mr. Golden has ever been named Bitch Of The Week, but I can tell you, that if he has, for what I am about to report, he merits a second mention.

                                 As we were getting ready to go down to our train, we noticed a man handling our pamphlets.  I thought it might be something about Israel, especially when I saw my beloved go over to him, and engage him in conversation.

                                   It had nothing to do with Israel. It seems Mr. Golden published on his Facebook Page--can you believe he has one???????  Who cares????????--a tasteless joke, which seemed to advocate the stoning of gay people.

                                    In the year 2015, we have to put up with this?  And people keep electing this nut?  Why?  Who are these people electing him?  And why the hell don't they and Golden keep their mouths shut, and leave the rest of us alone.

                                       Marty, you are hereby named this week's winner of the Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.  Probably, too this week's Most Despised Figure In The Gay Community.

                                        In most cases, I would recommend a good strong dose of Jennifer Jones. But this kind of statement shows you are incapable of absorbing the message of "The Song Of Bernadette."

                                          So, butt out, Marty!  And why are you so worried about the gays?  You are so plug ugly, none of them would ever come near you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            We would all love to see ANNA and MERYL slap you across the face!
 Which is just what you deserve!

                                               Dumb bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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