Wednesday, July 8, 2015

That Meg Wellnitz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Who knew Lexington, Kentucky, could be so corrupting????????

                                But, then if Missy Meg could be corrupted so easily, the ground work had been laid long before she went to college.

                                It was laid when she was the ugly, but entitled Princess Daughter of veterinarian  Joe Wellnitz, and his wife, Beth, of Columbia, Kentucky, both of whom ran a profitable animal clinic.

                                  So profitable was it that Meg and her brother, Dennis, had everything they wanted. Dennis was a good boy, and content. But greedy Meg wanted more.

                                    When she got  to college, she fell in with a Goth/witch group, among whom were William Meece, and his wife, Lindsay.  Meg cooked up a scheme to kill her parents for their money; there was at least $300K in Life Insurance, not to mention selling the business. So Meg promised Bill a tenth of the proceedings, if he would kill her parents. Off they go, on the night of February 26, 1993.  Bill does the grisly dead, while Meg smiles happily in the car. But there was one thing she did not count on.  It was that her brother, Dennis, was at home, and so Bill had to kill him, as he was "collateral damage."  He was not supposed to be there.

                                       At her trial, for which she got Life Imprisonment, with parole in 25 years, for Conspiracy To Committ Murder, Dennis' death was the only remorse Meg expreseed about the whole thing.

                                        But Justice wields its ugly sword.  Meg, who killed her family for the same old, same old reason--greed and money--may have gotten remorseful, as the years went on, Because,
on February 12, 2014, she was found dead in her cell, an apparent suicide.

                                         She had married her trashy boyfriend, Ryan Appleton. They married in 1995, but were divorced by 1999.  Even trash knows when something is too dirty for it.  The case went cold, for ten years, till Meece's then ex-wife Lindsay--smart, girl, divorcing him--told the whole story, revealing she still had the safe taken from the Wellnitz house.

                                          Why Lindsay was not charged with evidence tampering or justice obstruction is a mystery to me. She should have been. But she wasn't nearly as bad as that Meg and her husband.(Lindsay's, I mean!)

                                           Meece got the death penalty. So both he and fat, ugly Meg got what they

                                           Is it any wonder Kentucky's state abreviation is KY, darlings???????????


  1. You should check your sources about William Meece. He wasn't married to a Lindsey of any sort,any time.


  2. I will, but the program I watched inidicated such, so I included the info.

  3. Your sources are incorrect from top to bottom. Meg's husband, Randall Ryan, goes by Randy, not his middle name. He is an asshole, but from "trash", he is still a respected professor at Marquette. They divorced in 97, not 99. Meg never went trial...she accepted a plea deal. She stated she was coerced. Bill's wife was Regina, I believe, but definitely not Lindsay. She has since recanted, actually. And Meg's suicide had nothing to do with guilt. She was terminally ill and in pain, plus had a history of mental health issues. Guilt or innocence aside, your article is wrong from beginning to end...and also horribly edited. Please check your spelling.


  4. Unknown,
    My sources, as you put it,
    were based on a program I watched.
    If the info there was incorrect, it is
    not on me. They were all scum.

    And I do check my spelling. There
    is a spelling check on here. To be
    honest, sometimes I go back to old
    posts, and see something I missed.
    I fix it then!

    Now, go salute the Confederate flag
    in your trailer!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. 😂😂😂
    I watched the same program, but I am thankful for the additional information ;)

  6. I should have checked earlier, I'm so sorry I'm late to the party, and to your reply. (That's me above).

    Arguments aside, I just value the truth, and your article lacked that.

    I don't live in a trailer. I live in the suburbs, in a small 3br house. Not fancy, but hey. And no Confederate flag. Nothing here screamed racism, so not sure how you even connected that thought... Your insults were unimaginative.

    Let me help you. I'm a bit overweight...a size 12 in life, but still an 8 in my mind. +Sigh+. My hair is completely without curl or imagination, regardless of effort. And I am 40. There honey, have some ammo.

    Again, my point is, if you want to say nasty things about people on here, use the truth. The truth gives you credibility, and there's plenty of truth to pick from in this case.

  7. You're hilarious, I'll be reading more!!


  8. Unknown,

    Glad you found this hilarious.
    Feel free to drop in here anytime!

  9. Cathydit,

    Does it make any difference, the way things turned out?
    Or would it have?
