Tuesday, July 28, 2015

The Family That Slays Together, Stays Together.....In Prison!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            How much cultural blight can New Jersey take?  Thank God for MERYL, and yours truly, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              When it comes to families, the Dorsetts, of Neptune, New Jersey outdo Ma Barker and her gang.  The collateral damage was daughter Kathleen's hubby, Steven Moore, who was murdered, and Elizabeth, Steve and Kathleen's daughter, and the center of all this animosity, who, now barely has no one.

                                Here is what happened.  Kathleen Dorsett, who taught kindergarten and third grade, and Steven Moore, a retail worker, who had a brief brush with fame as a speed skater. They married in June, 2007.  A year later, daughter Elizabeth was born, whom both parents and grandparents doted on.  But then the marriage began to go sour.  The divorce came through in 2007, with Kathleen getting custody. But Steven wanted his share of time to, and Kathleen was not willing to share.  In fact, they all felt it would be better to have Steven out of the way.  They planned to move to Florida.  When Steve found out, he made it a condition he go with them, and that the Dorests find him an apartment, and support him for six months, until he found a job!  Hmmmmmmm!

                                 Well, the Florida thing never happened.  And if there was a Ma Barker figure in this family, it was daughter Kathleen, who was running the show. She must have been some spoiled brat!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Eventually, the family came to a decision, that, in order to keep Elizabeth, it would be better to get rid of Steven altogether.  In other words, take his life.  This was a conspiracy between daughter Kathleen and father Thomas, who arranged this.  Mama Lesley was not in on this, exactly, though I am certain she was aware of it, and wait till you hear what she did, later!

                                    On August 16 2010,, Steven, not knowing what to expect, dropped off Elizabeth, at the home of ex-n-laws, in Oakhurst, New Jersey!!!!!!!!!!!  While Kathleen was changing her daughter's diaper, she asked Steven to fetch some tools for the shed. He went, but waiting in ambush was father Thomas, who hit him in the face, and beat him to death, with a shovel.  When Steven failed to show up for work at his Honda dealership, he was listed as a Missing Person. Two days later, on August 18, 2010, Steven's body had been moved, by Thomas, taken to his (Steven's)
mother's home in Long Branch, New Jersey, tossed into the trunk of her 2001 Nissa Altima, and burned.  Talk about getting rid of evidence  But there was enough found, then to identify Steven.

                                    What family trash!  But, then wait!  From prison--Kathleen--who eventually got fifty eight years, virtually the rest of her life--told her to scrape up a thousand dollars to hire a hit man, to kill Steven's mother, then taking care of Elizabeth, so  the Dorsetts would have control  of her. But Lesley Dorsett botched things up, handing money over to an undercover agent posing as a hit man..

                                        Lesley got seven years for conspiracy to commit murder, while Thomas got thirty years for murder and fifteen more for conspiracy to commit arson.  He won't see outside for the rest of his life. Kathleen got fifty eight years.  They all got what they deserved.

                                          Steven's mother, Evlyn Moore, who is no spring chicken, herself, and who was the target of a hit, continues to raise Elizabeth, There is a  stipulation that the Dorsetts are not to come near her in any way, unless, when of age, Elizabeth so desires to, on her own.  Hopefully, darlings, she will socially eradicate herself from the trash she was born into!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Some families are so hospitable, they tell you to drop in anytime.  As far as I am concerned, I would not set one foot near the Dorsetts!!!!!!!!!!

                                              And neither should you, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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