Thursday, July 2, 2015

This Proves Once And For All, Darlings, That The Estrangement Is REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          No monster is more beloved, especially in our house, than Gojira.  See the cute picture of he and Baby Gojira, in the background??????????

                                            Gojira has been a star for 61 years now, ever since he first walked onto the TOHO lot.  But that did not stop Mothra.  That thing who thinks she is Miss Better Than Everybody; the Diana Ross of the monster world!!!!!!!!!!!  Ever since she was created out of cheese cloth or whatever it was, she thought she was going to supplant Gojira as TOHO's number one star!!!!!!!!!!  Well, look how things have turned out!  Who is number one still???????????

                                              There have been Bette and Joan, Jane and Blanche. Now there is Gojira and Mothra!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              But that does not stop Mothra from being a spiteful bitch!  Look what she did to Gojira's designer shirt!!!!!!!!!  He has the most incredible fashion taste, you know!  ANNA wants him for a "VOGUE" cover. She won't even give Mothra a second glance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               No wonder Gojira is pissed here!  I would be, too! That Mothra!

                                               Lock her in a closet full of mothballs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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