Friday, July 31, 2015

Well, Folks, That's It For July!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          It seems July just began, and now it's over!  The first full Summer month!

                          Seeing "Fun Home" was certainly the highlight of the month!  But so was my vacation during mid-July, when I saw "Do I Sound Gay," the several dinners we had people over for, dressing Baby Gojira in his new Summer outfit, reading the new Harper Lee book, spending time, as always, with my beloved, and, of course Cujo and the all seems a wonderful blur!  Which is why July has always been one of my favorite months!

                            Followed by a month I never liked....August.  As a child, I hated it for being the month before September, which meant Back To School.  As an adult, I hate it for being the last full month of Summer, signaling its end, and for being one of the worst movie going months of all!!!!  But that could change, with "The Gift," and MERYL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             So, don't write August off, yet, girls!!!!!!!!!!  July was fabulous, and I will be with you all through the next coming month!!!!!!!!!!!

                              See you then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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