Friday, August 28, 2015

Another Childhood Favorite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         I also loved what I called the "Walt Disney Story Albums."  They came with a record and a book, and had the trademark Magic Mirror.  I looked for them everywhere to expand my collection.

                         My two favorites, because they were so colorful, were "Alice In Wonderland," and "Peter Pan."  What was going on, with me as a child?  All of these stories was about a child, or children escaping to some place else.  Was I so desperate to get away from where I grew up.  I don't think so, because I loved the antiquity of our house; I even tried going "Through The Looking Glass" over the fireplace mantel, when I was a child, and when I wanted to retreat, I could read, or listen to the story records.  Next to 'Oz,' I believe I played 'Alice' the most.

                         It was narrated by Darlene.  Yes, dears, Darlene Gillespie, Gina's sister, who became a convicted felon.  Gina, who you all know played the child Blanche in 'Baby Jane,' became a lawyer, who continues to bail her sister out of trouble.  Now, there's some relationship, right there!

                          Of course, the more I listened, I picked up the songs. "Jabberwocky" and "A Very Merry Un-Birthday" were my favorites.  I also loved "All In The Golden Afternoon."

                           The one record I would not have in the house was "Bambi."  Oh, my God, that story was too traumatic.  I still cannot view it as an adult!   Once was enough!

                            I prefer pretty things, like Alice!  No wonder she and Tinker Bell were my favorite Disney characters!

                            Which proved I didn't need a new locale, or a tornado or rabbit hole to escape.  Just my eyes, ears, and an imagination!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Just wave that magic wand, and sprinkle that fairy dust, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!

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