Monday, August 24, 2015

Darlings, "Sandy Passage" Is Simply Brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Indisputably, no mother-daughter act out there will ever surpass the Two Edies of Grey Gardens.  But, I am telling you, Fred Armisen's Big Vivvy and Bill Hader's  even more endearing Little Vivvy, give the Beale women a run for their money.

                                Where the hell was this filmed?  On a sound stage?  Because the creepy house, and the overrun garden decor matches the Maysles film perfectly.  That house, oh my God!  In just thirty minutes, these two encapsulate what it took three times the length for the original documentary.  Though, for any of you, if this was your introduction to "Grey Gardens," you owe it to yourselves to see the original.

                                  Both make a case from withdrawal from the world. Hey, I am not crazy about smelly cat food or raccoons, but to exist on a plane where your only existence is grocery deliveries, and not the IRS, well, that is quite appealing to me, dears.

                                    Take a look, and see for yourselves!  The costumes!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    I cannot say too much about this presentation, as it has to be experienced.  Imagine watching it, with "Grey Gardens" itself!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      And, of course some DELICIOUS  corn on the cob!

                                       "Edie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  "EDIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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