Sunday, August 2, 2015

Darlings, You Have Just GOT To See Frances Conroy As Rosa Halasy In The 1999 "Law And Order" Episode, "Disciple!!!!!!!!!!"

                                      Anyone who wonders about the brilliance of Frances Conroy on "American Horror Story" should take a look at her performance as Rosa Halasy, in this 1999 "Law And Order" episode. Retrospectively viewed, it was a sign of things to come!

                                       I had never had a chance to  see this, until the other night.  Frances' character is an ex-nun, who didn't quite fit in!  Which means, darlings, she was booted out of the convent...and not for falling in love with Christopher Plummer!!!!!!!!!  She had that gate slammed in her face, because this woman took "The Song Of Bernadette" too far to extremes.  She was the sort of nun, who would dash her body on stone floors, to inflict pain on herself!!!!!!!!!!  Or, for penance, stretch out on them, arms extended, like a crucifix, for eight hours at a time!  Oh, yes, these types exist, and they get booted out, rather quickly.

                                      What the episode never made clear was how this ex-nun supported herself!  She seems to spend a lot of time with children, so maybe teaching?  This was something the writers overlooked.

                                          Rosa also saw herself as a healer, mystic, and visionary, which I am sure also got her booted out.  She claims to hear the voice of St. Michael, who tells her to do things!  Uh huh!!!!!!!!!!

                                            One night, a distraught mother, Margo Grayson (Sylva Kelegian) brings  her out of control teenage daughter to Rosa, for help.  With another man, they tie her down, and Rosa performs an exorcism, during which she beats the child, with her hands,  so hard the child's lungs puncture, and she dies!

                                             Now, Church doctrine is strict on the subject of exorcism.  In real life, Rosa would never have been allowed in a room, with one taking place.  So, she is charged with murder; however, I think Margo, the girl's mother, should have been charged too, because, from the way the actress played the role, there was a sense of gladness conveyed over her not having to deal with this kid, now that she is dead. And that speaks to me of depraved indifference!  But what do I know?  I'm not Jack McCoy!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Frances Conroy is absolutely brilliant in a very internalized performance; very appropriate for someone who is an ex-nun!  She is alternately spiritual and creepy!!!!!!!!!!  One of the most modulated acting turns I have seen on this show!  You can count on Frances, darlings, to nail it!!!!!!!!!!

                                                But I wouldn't want  Rosa teaching children catechism!  How she would traumatize those kids!

                                                 Better she be nailed to a cross!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 But, then, Rosa would love that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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