Sunday, August 30, 2015

Girls, Some Days You Just Can't Help Feeling Like A Shock Monster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              I'm telling you, girls, you get up, you have your coffee, do your best to pull yourselves together, and you can still feel blah.   Like Lucy, when she unknowingly did the "Phipps Foam Mattress" commercial, decked out like a harridan.  Well, you know the saying, "Phipps's a great big bunch of gyps!!!!!!!!!"

                               This is what I call feeling like a Shock Monster, our friend above.  What does one do on days when you just can't seem to get it together, and it will take more than self-medication to alter your self-perception?

                                 Some call in sick for a mental health day.  Others get a manicure or pedicure.  In days of yore, when more revival houses were around, I ran to the movies.  Then the Shock Monster would go away.

                                  Though there is more technology, it seems there is less to distract us.  So, "Shock Monsters" rear their ugly heads everywhere!

                                     Except in the office of Anna Wintour!!!!!!!!!!  Now, maybe SHE is the cure!

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