Monday, August 17, 2015

I Swear, If You Look Closely, You Can See Mickey Rooney's Face In The Matzo Ball!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            The best matzo ball soup in town, at the Edison Cafe, has gone the way of all flesh, unfortunately.  And, with the High Holidays coming up soon, my memories are hearkening back to the days when theater folk such as I would bee seen here--like Betty Bacall!!!!!!--eating pickled herring with cream sauce and kasha varnishkes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Yum!!!!!!!!!!!

                            But the soup was the best in town, and Mickey's image was baked right into the balls!!!!!!!!  I thought the place would never go away, and in the hearts and memories of many it hasn't.  And maybe, in another locale, it will be revived.

                               Where could you get food this good, and at such reasonable prices??????

Liza Minnelli and Larry King used to eat there all the time!  And still do, in some parallel universe or alternate reality!

Take me there, quick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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