Thursday, August 13, 2015

Like Bob Dylan Said, "How Many Deaths Will It Take, Till We Know.............?

                           Tyler Clementi's death was an historic tragedy, but, unfortunately, teen suicides did not stop there. On August 27, in Greenwich, Connecticut, Bart Palosz shot himself, after the first day of his sophomore year at Greenwich High School.  He was 15, and had been bullied in every conceivable way--beaten, shoes tied together, name calling, staring, exclusion--for the past seven years, ever since his parents moved to the town.  By the time of Middle School, the bullying accelerated, because Bart was not only socially awkward--would you believe I was, at that age, darlings??????--he was also taller than the other kids at 6'3".  I guess he was not a jock, because, at that height, I am sure the basketball coach would have been after him.  It might have saved him.

                          Now, his parents are suing the town and school administrators, for Bart's death, in a wrongful death suit.  I hope they win.  Now, Bart never said a word to his family about all that he had been subjected to, but it was pretty well documented, so teachers and administrators knew. And still no one intervened.

                           When is bullying going to stop being viewed as some sort of right of passage; more importantly, when will officials recognize that there are members of the student population who are just not strong enough to take it?????????  And that it can lead to problems in later life.  One of my schoolmates, who had a horrible time in school, is hovering near death, due to at least 40 years of alcoholism.

                             So, the winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is the town of Greenwich, Connecticut, and its school administrators.  This town has enough of a history; it is where Michael Skakel murdered Martha Moxley, the night of October 30, 1975--my God, that will be 40 years ago, this year.  Bet the Clementis would support justice for Bart.

                             Tragedy has come home to this town to roost, again.  Maybe if the community were not overseen by a group of prejudicial and hypocritical bitches, this would not be happening!!!!!!!

                                But, then, it would not be suburbia, would it, darlings???????????

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