Sunday, August 2, 2015

More 'Gift' Gossip, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               How can we wait five more days?  Six, for me, as I will probably be seeing the film on Saturday.  Meanwhile, information and suppositions came pouring in.  So, if you want to be totally surprised, stop reading this now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               I don't understand how it all comes together.  From what I have been able to gather, the Jason Bateman character, in high school committed some kind of video rumor, saying Gordon had raped a girl.  This was bad enough, but then the girl killed herself, which made things really bad for Gordon.

                                So, that is strong enough for a twenty plus year revenge vendetta.

                                But wait!  Remember I mentioned glimmerings of homophobia?  Well, another thing I have heard is that, in high school, Gordon was caught having sex with an older man in a car, and was so bullied he head to leave school.

                                 What I want to know is, how do these two things come together?  Or do they?  Let's say what happened to Gordon with the man did.  Gordon could have set up Simon (Jason Bateman's character) with the girl, who, Simon, being a pig, raped.  So, to get back at Simon for his homophobia, he holds the rape and suicide over Simon in his revenge ploy.  It sounds plausible, doesn't it, darlings????????

                                  Wait, there's more!  The ending, which is supposed to be a real twist, has something to do with a miscarriage Rebecca Hall's character has.  From what I have gathered, the couple has been trying to have children, but she miscarries.  When the couple move back to L.A. from Chicago, she is getting over a depressive spell, most likely from recently having miscarried.  So, how does that tie in???????

                                      Add to that, in the years following high school, Gordon acquired a criminal  record, and was quite adept at breaking and entering.  He is also said to have a child.  So, he is not quite the pitiful high school outcast one would at first think.

                                         Whether all this conjecture is true, or how it comes together, will not be known until the film is seen.  And I have also heard there is a lot of moral ambiguity, and the ending is itself ambiguous, which means there will be much room for interpretation and discussion.  Which means you will hear it all on here, dolls!

                                          How can we stand the wait?????????????????

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