Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Not Everything Has Been Mined From "Grey Gardens," Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Oh, my God!  I am ashamed I did not think of this sooner!  With all the focus on "Grey Gardens" over the years, have they ever marketed Big Edie and Little Edie dolls??????  They really should, you know!  Better yet, how about a "Grey Gardens" play set, where you have a plastic reconstruction of the back of the house, with the front exposed, coming with some toy wild brush you can put around it.  Then, the player can move the Big and Little Edie figures in and among the house, acting out any part of the story so desired.  The set should come with a little toy plastic raccoon, with a button attached to it, that when pressed, pops out plastic poop pellets!  How about water, to urinate, too?  I mean, let's be authentic.  Not to mention, toy plastic cat food cans, that the house can be cluttered with.

                        I am telling you, every queen in NYC will have this on their coffee table, and will be spending nights at home, playing the two Edies.

                         Maybe I could sell this idea to Fisher-Price!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Is Milton Bradley still around?  Because, someone could also create a "Grey Gardens" board game. The object would be to move through the house, from entrance to attic, in order to feed the raccoons.

                           And how about coffee mugs, and tea shirts!  With pictures of the house, Big Edie, and Little Edie on each.  As well as some of their famous sayings!

                              I am telling you, there is money to be made from "Grey Gardens" yet.

                               So, how come I'm not rich?  It's like Little Edie says--when the cat takes a shit behind the fridge, he/she is the only one having fun!

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