Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Nothing Entertains, Like A Mentally Unstable Woman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              I have to confess, girls, I have not been keeping up with "Rizzoli And Isles" this season, as the writing has been so pallid. But when I saw that last week's episode, cutely and aptly entitled "Love Taps" was about a male college student murdered by a mentally unstable woman, I knew this would liven things up.  From Ann Blyth as Veda, to Jessica Walter as Evelyn Draper, and, of course, Glenn Close as Alex Forrest, you can always count on a crazy lady to add something to the mix.  Often, because they are generally dressed more fashionably than their saner contemporaries. I mean, what Glenn Close did for leather and white in "Fatal Attraction' still resonates, nearly thirty years later!

                             Unfortunately, Laura Breckenridge, as Heather Matthews, was a bit mousy looking.  Like Jennifer Jason Leigh, when she first appears as Hedy in "Single White Female."  The nice thing about "Rizzoli And Isles" is it is so formulaic, one can almost figure out who the perp is, if one watches closely.  When I saw them interview Heather's husband, who was a suspect, I knew Heather was the one, when she accused her husband of not being home and telling her she was pretty enough, whereas, Stuart Crane her APP boyfriend, did this.  Uh huh!  I had Heather good, then.

                              In just two short scenes, Laura nails it, as Heather. We first see  her murder Stuart, who seemed a sweet guy, working his way through college, posing as cyber boy friends, by forcing him off a cliff by standing on his feet. Bitch!  Then her mousy act, which did not fool me one bit. By the time the crew has it all together, they find Heather has doused the house with gasoline, and is going to torch her husband, who is bound and tied to a chair, as well as herself, because he said he was going to leave her.

                                Well, Heather, if you're a needy nutso, of course he is going to leave you!  And I bet, once Rizzoli and Isles interviewed him, the husband knew his wife was the killer, realized what he was living with, and wanted to beat a hasty retreat, fast.  But Heather just kept flicking her Bic, and saying "He said he was going to leave me!"  "Why does everyone leave me?"  No one's gonna leave me!" and then tosses the flame, which Korsak miraculously catches.  Heather gets dragged away, and will spend the rest of her life in a loony bin.

                                  But, in just two scenes, Laura captured her story, a girl too needy, who drove everyone away, but who had had enough and was not going to let it happen again. Even if the men had to die.

                                     You have to watch out for these mousy types, like Heather.  They come on as acquiescent, but their seeming lack of controlling behavior belies that they are calling the shots all the time. Only their victims don't know it, till too late!

                                        Heather was such fun, darlings!  With a great turn by Laura, as her!

                                         Maybe the season is picking up, after all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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