Friday, August 21, 2015

See? I Told You There Was A Big Edie Doll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      You can't have one, without the other, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  There just has to be a Big Edie doll, to complete her daughter, Little Edie.

                                        And here she is!  With the hat, and everything. I cannot wait to own my genuine Big and Little Edie dolls. Where will we put them, in the apartment?  Not near Baby Gojira; he would not want to be upstaged.  Nor should he.

                                          They need their own special place, so they can dominate.  Perhaps on one of the cabinets?  Or the foyer?

                                            If I did not think they would be stolen, I would have them outside, on either side of the door, greeting guests like Hamptons versions of lawn jockeys.

                                             So, yes, dears, there IS a Big Edie doll!

                                              Just you and me, and me and you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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