Sunday, August 16, 2015

This Sister Act Was Straight Out Of 'Baby Jane!!!!!!!!!!!!' Only, These Two Were Never Stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          "What Ever Happened To Baby Jane?" may have camped things up a bit, girls, but the underlying aspects of the situation had a credibility that made the reality of it scary.  And this is borne out today, by the case of Candy Lawson, of Corona, Michigan (Corona???????  I thought it was a beer, or a section of Queens!!!!!!!!!!!!).  I was going to wait and make her Bitch Of The Week, but  this Sister Act was just too heinous to wait.

                                For seven years, Lawson, who is 44, but looks 55, kept her sister imprisoned in a closet, with very little clothing, and only a bucket to relieve oneself in.  Shades of 'Baby Jane,' indeed!  At least. with that story, one knew why.

                                 An anonymous tipster informed cops of the abuse, and they visited the home on July 9. after a handyman reported finding the sister locked up.  She suffered "cognitive and physical impairments," meaning these were some type of ongoing disabilities, while Candy, her adult children and boyfriend--who was probably trash, like she is!!!!!!!!!!!--all lived there!

                                   Truth is stranger than fiction, darlings!  Blanche Hudson died, and Baby Jane got carted away to the loony bin!  At least the ailing sister was saved, will be put in a safe place--hopefully--while the rest of the household--especially the sister!!!!!!!!!!--should go to prison.  No candy for Candy; she should get Life Without Parole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Like the original trailer for 'Baby Jane' pointed out, one does not know what goes on, behind closed doors!

                                       Burn this witch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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