Monday, August 31, 2015

Wait Till You See Lauri Peters Snarl In "Cry Of The Cat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                            You read the name right, darlings!  Lauri Peters--the original Liesl in "The Sound  Of Music" on Broadway, back in 1959, snarling like a cat, or at least someone with rictus or delirium tremens in 1972's "Cry Of The Cat," on the anthology series, "Ghost Story."

                               I couldn't beleive this was Lauri.  The eyes told all, but the rest of her looked like she had work done--or filled out--to make her look as Bo Derek would in '10."  I wonder how Mary Martin would have reacted?

                                 What a trash evening we had last night, girls, and seldom has there been so much fun. Lauri's snarl, and Doug McClure's Seventies hotness were highlights.

                                     Someone on the writing staff had obviously seen Val Lewton's "Cat People," and/or "Cry Of The Werewolf," with Nina Foch.  Neither Simone Simone or Nina Foch were as campy as Lauri; their silhouettes simply dropped to the floor, and morphed into animals. It was called subtlety.

                                        There was nothing subtle about Lauri as a predatory cougar who would have fir right in today with Courtney Cox on "Cougar Town."  The scene where she is chained in the barn brings S and M to a humorous dimension I would never have dreamed possible.

                                          I wish I could get you a shot of Lauri bearing her teeth, but alas, I was not successful. But look at at that sneer; did she cut herself on the side, or what?  I am telling you, you have got to see this.

                                          Of course, the title could have easily been simplified.

                                           They should have called it "Nasty Pussy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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