Thursday, August 20, 2015

What A Prize Hypocrite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         Jared Fogle is not only the winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award, but a prize-winning hypocrite, the kind of hetero sexist pig gays rail against, when speaking of the heterosexual hypocrisy in America.

                        Jared--oh, yeah, he's straight,so he is OK--is a loser--fat, overweight, who did something with the Subway diet that elevated his fame and income to unheard of proportions, from some mediocre corporate job, or whatever the hell he was doing.

                         Now, it is all going to come crashing down on Jared--two wives, two kids, he is consistent--because of his predilection for little girls. Bet he jerks off to Maurice Chevalier singing "Thank Heaven For Little Girls" in "Gigi."  Of course, for those like Jared, the song has an entirely different meaning from what was intended.

                          Of course he is from the Midwest--Indiana. Probably some Republican, anti-gay spewing religious nut. All these types are.

                            It seems Mr. Subway Seeming Straight Arrow is a pedophile. He downloads kiddie porn on his computer, and on his trips to Manhattan, he has holed up at places the Ritz and the Plaza, where he has asked actual prostitutes and other procurers to find him very underage girls--like 13 or 14.  I wouldn't be surprised if he asked for younger.

                            Get those daughters out of his house, quick!  Luckily, his current wife is going to be smart enough, and divorce him.  You sick sex pig!  This is what happens when you indulge in disgusting perversions!

                              Why didn't you just get a pop up snake from a can, get in the tub, and shove it up your ass?

                                 Looks like your Subway ride has come to the end of the line, Jared!!!!!!!!!! Your future inmates are gonna LOVE you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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