Friday, September 4, 2015

Everyone Is Making A Fuss Over This Kid....But Why????????????????

                           Yes, he is cute, and yes, he is only three years old.

                            I have nothing against child performers; I mean I wanted to be one myself, which is where some of my issues come from. But Koen Frehner is not the child genius his mother, Erin, seems to think he is.

                            Yes, he knows the lyrics to "Do You Hear The People Sing?" from "Les Miserables."  Yes, he has a performer's presence and passion when he does it. There is just one problem. He does not do it right.  I was expecting a pitch perfect, flawless rendition, but it is far from that!  He goes off tune, and way out of his vocal range!

                               When I was his age, I could sing far better than that!  I was doing "The Wizard Of Oz," "Peter Pan." and "The Pajama Game" pitch perfect in front of the television.  I could do Mary Martin's "I Gotta Crow" perfectly, right down to the final  "Er-er-er-er's!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                 I am going to let you hear Koen, and see what you think. He's got presence, but I am sorry, the voice is not there.

                                   Shirley Temple was pitch perfect at three.  Judy Garland at two.

                                    And me at five, darlings!

                                    Just listen

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