Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Girls, We Cannot Wait To See Lily's Take On Aileen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         What is it about Aileen Wuornos that makes not only actresses wanting to take her on as a role, but extremely attractive actresses, to begin with?  First,there was Jean Smart, then Charlize Theron, who honed up her acting chops and toned down her looks to a fare thee well, netting herself an Oscar, for "Monster," and now Lily Rabe, on "American Horror Story--Hotel."

                            The word on the street for months is that Lily would be back, playing a world famous serial killer.  I cannot believe I did not guess this one.  I was hoping she would play Myra Hindley, the most evil woman of the twentieth century, but then Myra was British, and this IS "American Horror Story."  And Aileen IS America's premiere female serial killer.

                               So, watching Lily as Aileen will be a treat well worth waiting for.  And, no surprise, Jessica (Lange) has announced a couple of guess stints on the show.  I know she could not stay away forever.  I cannot wait to see her go one-on-one with Lady Gaga.

                                For REAL horror, to this mix should be added Christine Pedi, playing Liza Minnelli!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Now, THAT would be a real horror fest, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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