Friday, September 4, 2015

Happy Birthday, Beyonce!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Beyonce!  Sister Friend!!!!!!!!!! Have you gotten Billy Stritch to do your arrangements, yet????????????

                                Anyway, girls, today, this burger munching bitch is 34!  Can you believe it?  I always thought she was older, since she has been around so long!

                                  How is Beyonce going to celebrate?  You know how, darlings!!!!!!!!!!

                                  She's gonna go to Burger King. She'll order two cheeseburgers with onion rings, she got a chocolate shake, and a side of fries, chicken strips with apple pies.

                                  So, for Beyonce's birthday, let's all have a Burger King Binge. Then we can all go bulimic, because, after eating all this, we will be sick, anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    But it is only once a year, darlings, and our systems are not as built up as Beyonce's!!!!!!!!!

                                      For inspiration, here is the classic Cazwell music video!

                                       Happy Eating, Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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