Friday, September 25, 2015

How The Hell Has It Taken Me This Long To Learn About Luke Janklow?????????????

                             Girls, just a few minutes ago I finished reading the most fabulous book.  You will hear about it, specifically, in another post.  Not only that, it will provide enough posts for me for days, or, at least, one full day of writing, where I may turn out to be a bitch who exposes bitches I know, even as I write about the bitch in this book.

                              I am such a reader that I even read the Acknowledgements.  So, when the authors mentioned the name "Luke Janklow," bells went off in my head.  "Could he be related to Mort Janklow?," I wondered.

                              Indeed, he is.

                               You see, back in the Seventies--or was it the Eighties; when you get to be my age time blurs!!!!!!!!--but I think it was the Seventies, because I remember reading it in my childhood home, TIME Magazine did a  feature piece on Mort Janklow, then THE literary agent of the day.  I was reading all his clients' books--Judith Krantz, Barbara Taylor Bradford, Danielle Steel--in the hopes of working with him.  I still remember those days of "Princess Daisy," and "Mistrial's Daughter."  They recall the so-called Golden Days of my youth, and within their genre, they are up there with "Pamela" and "Clarissa!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                              Mort and Linda Janklow were THE New York couple of the day!  I mean, you had to be seen at one of their parties, which I never was, because the Internet did not exist yet, if you wanted to among the Literary Set!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And Linda was the daughter of Mervyn Le Roy, who masterminded my all-time favorite movie, "The Wizard Of Oz," and another endearing one, "The Bad Seed."  So, Linda, honey, if you are still alive, we are, like Six Degrees from one another.

                               Now, back to Luke.  Yes, girls, he is cute.  And, he is straight.  Which is good news to some of my readers, and bad for others.

                                 But, he is off the market, dears, because, this year, he married L.A. Photographer Xela Mandel.  Though it is his second marriage, so who knows?

                                   Belated congrats to Luke and Xela!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   But, Luke, baby, you gotta read this blog!  I mean, now that you have been on The Raving Queen, you have made it, of sorts.  Back in those young days of mine, I wanted so desperately to work for your father, the man who I considered to be the male Anna Wintour!  Which you may soon become, Luke!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     So, how about it?  I will read manuscripts like nobody's business!  I will write a precis that would chill an iceberg!  I will sniff out new clients, and make sweeping discoveries!  Or read this blog, and let's talk dish--at Sarabeth's--because I could write a "Devil Wears Prada" book about my place that would make Lauren's tome seem like a love letter!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    I am so glad I discovered Luke, darlings!

                                    Now, it is up to Luke to discover ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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