Thursday, September 3, 2015

If Looks Could Cast, This Bitch Would Be Perfect For The Annie Wilkes Role, In Broadway's "Misery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                      I am telling you, girls, doesn't she look like everyone's idea of Annie Wilkes?????

                       This is Kim Davis, of Rowan County Kentucky, the four times divorced clerk who refused--and is steadfastly refusing--to uphold the Supreme Court's standing on gay marriage.

                         She cites her religious beliefs, Jesus Christ, the whole magilla,--but how devout are four failed marriages, darling?  So, Kim, with her righteous hypocrisy, and her Annie Wilkes looks, is this week's winner of The Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.

                          I am telling you, Laurie Metcalf is the wrong choice! One look at this woman tells you she is off the wall, and all she would have to do is say the lines. Forget about acting--she's built right in!

                           But, then she would end up becoming a Broadway star!  Who wants success from a bitch like this???????????


  1. This bitch goes far beyond hypocrite. Bad enough the four marriages being laugh-out-loud anathema to her so-called "deeply held Christian faith" - one could almost (but not quite) gloss over that, cuz at this point everyone in this country has been married four times.

    The truly rankling hypocrisy is that during EACH of those "blessed unions", she carried on like a Babylonian whore, sleeping with anything that moved, until she found someone interesting enough to divorce the current spouse and re-marry. (Mind you, this begs the question of where the hell she found FOUR men willing to tag her, proving once again indiscriminate straight men really will boff anything that crosses their path). Ole Sister Mercy here was so pious, so devout, that she thought nothing of getting knocked up with some random trick's baby while she was still married to whatever husband she was on at the time. Lovely.

    But oh no, can't say a word against her, she's a wonderful Christian standing up for her faith, become patron Saint Kim to misguided hypocrites in every red state. Idiots, every one of them: they give true Christians a bad name, they insult Jesus with their rampant stupidity. Why? Because she doesn't have a logical or religious leg to stand on. Her job is to rubber stamp pieces of paper indicating a couple has applied to be married in her county- period. She is not personally condoning the marriage or performing the ceremony, so her argument is total BS. Let's not even get into the "render unto Caesar" admonition she's violating. Dumbass- she's an embaarassment to her "faith" AND her state (whose legislature needs to convene pronto to impeach her apparently Teflon un-fire-able elected carcass).

  2. I guess men in Kentucky have no standards, because who the hell would want to hook up with her? I am not surprised to hear she is a tramp; many of these types are. She and Mama June will soon be hanging out at the same bar!
