Monday, September 28, 2015

Jimmy Olsen Is Gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Be careful what you wish for, darlings.  For those of us growing up in the Fifties and Sixties, Jack Larson WAS Jimmy Olsen on "Superman."  He somewhat resembled the young, up-and-coming redhead reporter in the DC Comic, and he was cute, to boot.  What he didn't know, when he took the role that he would be typecast for life. Such was the power of television, then.

                                     His friend, Montgomery Clift, advised him not to take the role, or, at least, not to do more than a season.  But it was too good to turn down. When the show came to a halt, in 1958, Larson, like so many talented folk, could not get work. He had been typecast.

                                     Larson was also gay at a time when things weren't as easy as they are now. He and his partner of 35 years, James Bridges, remained together, until his death in 1993.

                                        Like so many, he reinvented himself, becoming a writer and playwright of note.  But he was never able to shake off Jimmy Olsen.  He died on September 20 of this year, apparently of natural causes, at the age of 87!

                                           You will always be Jimmy to so many of us Jack. But this obit salutes your other talents, as well.

                                              Rest In Peace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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