Thursday, September 17, 2015

Let's Talk About The Pope's Visit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               There is just no way to avoid this one, girls, what with the Pontiff coming just three months before the Holidays--September 24 thru 26.  Somewhere, out there, right now, this generation's set of Castevets is getting ready to have a Terry or Rosemary impregnated, in order to unleash the anti-Christ.  Now, if I believe some sources, Ira Levin may have gotten it wrong.  Modern thinking holds the anti-Christ will be the offspring of the Devil and a Jewish prostitute!!!!!!!!  Now, where is one to find the second item? Is there such a thing?  And, no you can't count those who drop their nail files! Those are married Jewish women!

                               What I am more interested in is the Pope having a good time while he is in NYC. Yes, he will honorably be escorted by Gojira, and I am sure he will make contact with Sister Camille D'Arienzo, but there are a couple of other things he should do to make his visit rewarding.

                                  1."Fun Home"--He should go see this most brilliant of
                                       contemporary musicals, tackling issues the church
                                       needs to look at.

                                   2. "The King And I"--As a balance to "Fun Home,"
                                         he should take in this Rodgers and Hammerstein
                                         classic, which will make him swoon!

                                    3.  Three Lives And Company--He should visit Toby and
                                          Company on Waverly Place and 10th, and select to
                                           read, from there, a work representative of American

                                      4.  Julius'--When the Pope is done at Three Lives, he can
                                            walk across the street, to this iconic gay spot, if he
                                            needs to take a whiz, or just wants to have a brewsky
                                            with the boys. Plenty of lapsed Catholics here, for him
                                            to talk to!

                                       5. La Grenouille--He needs to experience haute cuisine while
                                           he is here, and lunch or dinner at this place should be part
                                           of his itinerary. The Floating Island ()euf A La Neige) is

                                       6. Anna Wintour--If anything, the Pope should sit down at
                                           One World Trade Center with the most powerful woman
                                            in New York City.  He could bring all kinds of fabrics that
                                            would inspire a whole spiritual fashion line that can be
                                            worn in public!

                                         7. Sarabeth's--No visit to NYC would be complete without
                                             a breakfast or brunch here.  Perhaps Anna could join him--
                                             two birds with one stone.

                                          8. Manducatis--Eventually, the Pope is going to want Italian,
                                              and when he does, there is no better spot than this place on
                                              Jackson Avenue in Long Island City. Bring him a sample
                                              of the Eggplant Rollatini, Fettuccine Bolognese, and Shrimp
                                              A La Ida, and he will be heaven blessed!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          9. Lincoln Center--Come on now, how can he miss it?
                                              Everything, from the Metropolitan Opera, to the Library
                                              Of Performing Arts. The whole complex needs a Papal
                                               Blessing--or an exorcism!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          10. The Cloisters--Simply divine, darlings!  Topped off
                                                 by and Indian meal at Kismat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              And, somewhere amidst all this, couldn't a screening of "The Song Of
Bernadette" be squeezed in??????????????

                              Let's see how closely the Pope follows this itinerary. If he does not want to be bored out of his mind, he better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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