Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Oh, No!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not THIS Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Even though King Kong got top billing in the title, this was the film that launched Godzilla (herein referred to from now on as Gojira!!!!!!!!!!!) fighting every monster out there, over the decades.  Back in 1962, when this first was shown, I was in, what, second grade, and anyone who was ANYONE had to see this!  I dragged my parents to the Forum Theatre in Metuchen, where I finally caught up with it.

                            I thought, even for a child, King Kong looked terrible.  I expected him to look exactly as he did in 1933, but in every film following that, he has always looked different, and never as good.   Of course, I was loyal to Gojira from day one, so I was cheering him on to win the battle. But, here, the winner was King Kong!  Was I pissed!

                              Now, the rumor is there is going to be some kind of update called "Kong:Skeleton Island."  That locale will never top its appearance in 1933, nor will it have the presence of Noble Johnson as the Native Chieftain, who delivered my favorite line--"Ana saba Kong!," which means "She is the bride of Kong!"

                                 From what I understand, if this "Kong--Skull Island" thing is a hit, and maybe even if it is not, there is going to a re-teaming of King Kong and Godzilla. The latter will wander into Gojira's turf, and he will not be happy about that, and will deal with it.

                                  Actually, I can tell you Gojira is not a bit happy with the whole thing, and difficult contract negotiations are going on.  Two of 'Skull Island's' actors, J.K. Simmons and Michael Keaton, have departed the project, for reasons unknown, though I think it is out of loyalty to Gojira.
After being in movies for over six decades, he does not want another recycling of him fighting monsters.  What he would really like is a documentary on how he works with the Sisters Of Mercy, helping Sister Camille D'Arienzo!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  I side with Gojira!  I want an original movie for him, not a rehash!

                                   Kong, go home!

                                    How about if Gojira works with Meryl Streep?????????????????

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