Saturday, September 12, 2015

This Is The Commercial Jack And Connie Should Do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Darlings, I am still in tears from that post I just wrote about "Stella Dallas," so we need some laughs!  I will try to be as tasteful here as I can.

                           When I saw the commercial for this--which I think was an SNL spoof-- I thought it was SO disgusting.  And, to a point, it is!  But, I am telling you--this is the commercial that annoying, selfish couple from Consumer Cellular, Jack and Connie, should do!  Incontinence is next on their agendas I can tell you!

                             The other thing all this makes me wonder about--has the whole world gone diaper mad?  I mean, in "Cabaret" the song talks about going "from cradle to tomb," but today I think it is "diapers to diapers in decades."  And having turned 60, that phrase (mine) resonates a little more distinctly, than I would like.

                                Just last night, for example, my beloved and I were doing our food shopping, and I noticed the diaper section seemed to be filled with products not just directed at babies, but all sorts of life spans--seniors, pubescent girls with vaginal issues, or children who may be bed wetters! What is going on?
Has the evolution of man weakened the bowels and bladder that we have come to THIS?????????

                                 If I make it to a stage of incontinence, I will simply stay at home, and read Jane Austen.  Even if I have to do it with a magnifying glass, and a flashlight!  The hell with diapers!  I had enough of that, already!  Though I can't remember!

                                  But watch this commercial, dolls; you will remember!  And picture Jack and Connie doing this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Feeling better, now, dears??????????????????????????

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