Saturday, September 12, 2015

What Else Could We Start The Day Off With, Girls??????????????????

                                 You know what day this is, darlings!  And if you have been on here long enough, you know what that means!  We start with a rendering by Shelley Plimpton, who owns the number, of "Frank Mills," just as she performed it in the Original Broadway Cast of "HAIR."  Then, later on today, we march down to the IFC Thester, which, for some of us, will always be the Waverly, where I stand in front, and sing the song. It is amazing this has not been caught on YouTube, or that I have gotten media attention from this.  Just like I cannot believe Stephen Colbert has not yet asked me to be on his show!!!!!  How better to indoctrinate his p[proceedings  by having The Raving Queen as a guest?

                                Now, many have said my rendition of this song is the closest approximation to Shelley one can get.  That once I do it, I somehow go to a place of virginal innocence, which, believe me, at this age, takes a LOT of acting!

                                But it would not be September 12th, without Shelley and the song!  Here they are

                                See you in front of the Waverly, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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