Thursday, September 24, 2015

Will Sexualizing The Metropolitan Opera Sell More Tickets??????????????????

                              You have to wonder, darlings.  I love the poser, and I have always wanted to see Berg's "Lulu," but will the demographics change?  This ad looks like it is shopping for the "Spring Awakening" or "Hamilton" crowd, and it may get a few of those, but no matter what is done, attendance is still going to depend upon cultured oldsters and jaded opera queens!  The latter, being, of course, the most vicious things in Creation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Now, here is a revolutionary concept, guaranteed to rope in the Baby Boomer Generation.  Remember the cartoon character, Little Lulu?  Why not stage a production of the Berg opera, and have the title character dressed as that familiar (to some) cartoon character. And, of course, include the "Little Lulu" song in the score.

                                  What's that?  You say you don't remember that song?  Well, come on, and sing it with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    "Little, little, little Lulu, with freckles on her chin,
                                      Always in and out of trouble, but mostly always in.
                                      Uses Daddy's necktie for the tale of her kite.
                                      Uses Mommy's lipstick for the letters she writes.
                                      Though the clock says seven- thirty, it's really after ten.
                                       Looks like Lulu's been repairing it again.
                                       Though you're wild as any Zulu, and you're just as hard to tame,
                                        Little Lulu, I love you-ou, just the same, the same.
                                        Little Lulu, I love you-ou, just the same.'

                                  Now, that would be a crowd pleaser, I can tell you!

                                   Who knows?  It might lead next to an opera with Nancy, Sluggo and Aunt Fritzi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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