Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Darlings, We Cannot Wait For "Captive Wild Woman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                      Somewhere at the bottom, or even sub-bottom of the sub-genre Women Menaced By Apes Movies--like "Gorilla At Large," and "Phantom Of The Rue Morgue"-- lies Universals "Captive Wild Woman," a gem that HAS to be seen.  To think this was released in 1943, the same year as "The Song Of Bernadette!!!!!!!!!"  Hollywood sure was more far ranging, back then!

                        It is formulaic fun, with high camp value!  John Carradine--during his Universal period-- has this rather butch looking ape--just look at this; it is so masculine, you cannot accuse it of being a lesbian!

                        Now, it just happens that John Carradine is a mad scientist--what else???--and is extracting serum from the butch ape, and injecting it into Acquanetta, whom I have no idea if she did any other films, or where she came from. Probably the Gowanus Canal.

                           Come to think of it, where does he pick her up in this film?  A mail bride from a tropical island?  An island abductee?  My guess is she was picked up on Hollywood and Vine; perhaps this film is a foreshadowing of what happened to Elizabeth Short!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              When injected, she turns into Paula Dupree, the Ape Woman.  You have to see her!  Sometimes, she looks glamorous, sometimes less so!  Like this--__
I mean, this film is the best justification for electrolysis that I have ever known!  I've heard not shaving, darlings, but who wants to look like this?  It would more than Neet or Nair to cream that hair away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Never underestimate the importance of make-up!!!!!!!!!!

And I love the name--Paula Dupree. Sounds like Paula Deen!

Once seen, this film is not soon forgotten!  And for good reason!

It's a real gender bender, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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