Monday, October 5, 2015

Farewell To A Child Legend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Yesterday afternoon, Sydney Lucas gave her final performance as Small Alison in "Fun Home."  Broadway will miss her, never be the same, but was enriched for her presence.  Also, Sydney now goes into the history books, going from TONY Nominee to Legend Of The Musical Stage, because those, like myself, who were privileged to see her riveting performance will have those memories to live on.

                                  As will Sydney, who racked up three years--roughly one quarter of her entire life--evolving with "Fun Home" from an idea to a seasoned theater production.

                                   The show will have a life of its own.  No question. But Sydney will always be defined by her contribution to  it, and, of course, she owns "Ring Of Keys."  Which I will post on here again, perhaps for the last time.

                                     It was great having you on Broadway, Sydney.  May you continue to flourish in all future endeavors.

                                      And you will always be Small Alison to those of us who saw you!

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