Tuesday, October 27, 2015

I Am Telling You, It Is Nothing Short Of A Miracle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          For those readers on here of long standing, who may think miracles consist of apparitions in grottoes, or in pastoral settings, let me be the first to assure you that is not entirely the case.  Miracles abound everywhere around us; some we take for granted--like rainbows--while others come in unexpected ways. Such is an experience I had.

                           Now, for some time now, you have read on here of my singing the praises of Sister Camille D'Arienzo, whom I listen to each Sunday on 1010 WINS.  As does my beloved.

                             Well, several Sundays back, Sister Camille announced a drive she was running, collecting clean, warm socks for the needy, who are going to be in need of such, now that sandal weather is gone for good.  So, my beloved and I packed some socks in a box, and, with me writing a nice note, sent it off to Sister Camille.

                               And that was that.  I felt good not only doing something for Sister Camille, whom I admire tremendously; if saints walk among us, she surely is one, but for those who would use, and greatly appreciate those warm socks.  Remember my empathy for Fantine.

                                 Last night, my beloved greeted me at the door, with a look of amazement on his face.  I had just come in, carrying a bagful of dinner ordered from Mr. Tang's, and my first thought was we had unexpected company for dinner, and how would we make this food stretch for three?  Well, we would have!

                                   But that was not the case.  A letter was placed in my hand, addressed to the two of us.  Nothing unusual about that. Then I saw from whom it came. Sister Camille herself!

                                    Not only did she take the time to write a gracious thank you for what we had done, but in the note I had expressed my insecurities surrounding my imperfection as a Catholic.  To inspire, and remind me, she enclosed two lovely Mass cards, with a Rembrandt painting on front, illustrating the story of The Prodigal Son, with text on the other side. The message being forgiveness is possible for all, no matter what we may think.

                                     I was so touched, I felt truly blessed.  My beloved was amazed. So, thank you from the bottom of both our hearts, Sister Camille, We are happy to help any time.

                                     And the next time you are in the neighborhood, check us out!  Or meet us at Peppino's!  A bad meal is impossible to get, there!

                                       Blessings on you, Sister Camille!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. How sweet! I've never been gifted a Mass card what a thoughtful thing to do.


  2. Everything was thoughtful, and wholly unexpected on our parts.
    I listen and try to follow Sister's examples. Sometimes I succeed,
    sometimes I fail, but I do my best.
