Thursday, October 15, 2015

"Law And Oder" Is Starting To Veer From Fiction To Reality, Thanks To These Bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      The show's tag line used to say "ripped from the headlines."  Now, it looks like the headlines are ripping off "Law And Order," especially with these two winner of of The Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.

                      When that no good bitch, Lori Ann Dufoy was found guilty of child murder and covering it up with a church ritual, in "Careless." that was fiction.  As was Frances Conroy's brilliant turn as Sister Rosa Halsey, who beats a child to death during an exorcism she was technically not allowed to perform, that was fiction.

                      But with this week's winner, Bruce and Deborah Leonard, this becomes all too real.  It seems that the Leonards took their two teenage sons, Lucas, 19, and Christopher, 17, to the Word Of God--uh huh!!!!!!--Church in New Hartford, New York, where the two boys were subjected to several hours of intense physical punishment by at least half a dozen church members, in  order to become better behaved and pray for forgiveness.  While being pummeled in their abdomens, genitals, backs, and thighs, from which Lucas died, while Christopher was hospitalized in serious condition.  And those involved arrested and arraigned.  Uh huh.  And some call Catholics crazy.  This is not religion; this is an excuse to use murder to get rid of troubled children.

                        Or maybe the children were troubled, due to their parents' religious fervor.  It is cases like this that call into question separation of Church and State, and argue just how much freedom religion allows. Or should allow.

                        What bothers me here is not just the depravity inflicted by the Leonards on their own offspring, under the alleged name of God, but that there will be advocates out there who will flock around them, in their support.  Don't forget Kim Davis.

                          The Leonards are sick. poisonous people, hiding behind self-righteousness.  They are the worst form of bitch out there, so they win the covered honor of both being Bitch Of The Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            This is NOT what Jacinta and Fatima was about.  And I have a feeling Sister Camille would look askance.

                             Life imitates art, indeed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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