Friday, October 23, 2015

Oh, That Kim Rollins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                     Not since Susan Lewis' (Sherry Stringfield) troubled sister, Chloe, played by Kathleen Wilhoite, has there been a piece of work like Kim Rollins.  Things are beginning to liven up at 'SVU,' at least as of the recent episode, this past Wednesday.  They should have called it "The Grifter Baby Shower," because the segment opened with a party  so opulent I had to wonder where Amanda's mother (brilliantly played by Virgina Madsen, who has gotten heavy since her "Candyman" and "Sideways" days. But that time is gone; just like my youth!!!!!!!!!!!)

                     Lindsay Pulsipher returned as Amanda's White Trash, no good sister, Kim, and let me tell you, it was like a breath of fresh air. Within minutes, a disguised Kim is in town, working her way through city life as a prostitute, and rolling all the men she can get!  You gotta hand it to Kim; she may be White Trash to the core, but within that head is a mind as cunning and manipulative as Veda Pierce.  It is a dangerous combination.

                       Amanda has been trying to escape from this crew for years.  Good riddance; she is better off without them, and growing up amidst them I am certain led to her gambling addiciton.

                        But Kim won't stop at anything. She rolls a prominent musician, steals and pawns his flute, gets arrested, and then blames it all on Amanda. Meanwhile, Mama is not much better.  Every inch the classic enabler, but looking classier than Mama June, Madsen's Beth Anne Rollins defends her daughter (whom she still calls Kimmie) at every turn, saying Amanda should stick up for her family.  Where Kim blames her sister for thinking herself better, and this is why her (Kim's) life is all screwed up.

                         If you have family or longstanding friends, darlings, chances are you have heard variations of this theme, too.  Cut those ties as fast as you can, because their troubles will drag you down with them.

                          That said, I can't wait to see what Kim and Beth Anne do next!  They are not through, and while they may not be on next week, I am certain they will return this season again.  Kim has already threatened to extort Amanda in horrible ways, proving how dangerous she really is. Beth Anne cannot lay off the sauce!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           But they are fascinating, and the machinations of the Rollins' family drama is a blessed break from the strum und drang that has turned into Olivia Benson.

                             We all want to see the Rollins' trash get theirs!   But not before they entertain us with some more mischief!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Poor Amanda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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