Thursday, October 29, 2015

This Mother-Son Story Is Not A Bit Like Sophocles.....Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       Not since Sante and Kenny Kimes has there been a mother-son team like Sonya and Damon Bamberg.  Since "Scream Queens" was cancelled Tuesday night, because of the World Series, I discovered Sonya and Damon, thanks to ID, and having done that, I knew I found this week's winner of The Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.

                        These two did not own the department store chain, Bamberger's, let me tell you.  Sonya was actually a real life version of Norma Bates, mother of Norman, and their story here is probably what would have gone down in "Psycho," had Bates not murdered her, and what most likely has gone down on "Bates Motel," which I have not seen.

                          Let's start with incest.  Mother could not keep her hands off her son, and would parade around in her underwear, like she was Anne Bancroft as Mrs. Robinson in "The Graduate."  As you can see, Sonya is not nearly as attractive as Anne, and even the actress chosen to play her was not, so how the son, who was average looking enough to get a regular woman, could submit to his mother was just another part of the crazy sickness she was feeding into him.

                            But she was crafty. She wanted grandchildren, and she knew an incestuous union would not yield good product, on that front.  So, she played matchmaker to her son, and he married two women.  The first wife caught on, and got out of there fast; she was smart.  The second, Nicole Orvin, was not so lucky. She came to this marriage with another child, whom Damon would abuse, and they had one of their own, whom Sonya promptly took charge of.  Now that Nicole had fulfilled her reproductive function, she was of no use to either mother or son, so one night,  near Mount Vernon, Georgia, Nikki was shot down in cold blood on a highway by Sonya and Damon. She says Damon fired the trigger, but I think Sonya did.She had the balls in this household.

                             They both got what they deserved--a Life sentence, without ever seeing each other.  Poor Damon; so dependent on Mama. What is he going to do now?  And what was Sonya thinking, knowing she would not be around forever; she would predecease Damon.  What was she thinking.

                                She wasn't, darlings!!!!!!!!!!  She was selfish!!!!!!!!!  One of many reasons why she is Bitch Of The Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Sonya was quite a mother!  But I won't say mother what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I'm actually watching this on the ID channel right now. It reminds me of the southwest GA family I married into. Except for the incest my ex mil and Sonya could have been twins. What is it about GA mamas and their sons?? I left not long after my ex hubby told me he used to lay awake at night thinking about ways to kill me.

  2. I'm actually watching this on the ID channel right now. It reminds me of the southwest GA family I married into. Except for the incest my ex mil and Sonya could have been twins. What is it about GA mamas and their sons?? I left not long after my ex hubby told me he used to lay awake at night thinking about ways to kill me.

  3. I was born and raised in Georgia. These people sound like some back woods inbred nasty people. To bad that young girl had to die before these people got what they deserved. I hope the boys are getting the love and help they need to survive this.

    1. She was separated from him and awaiting divorce when this happened. The boys are in good hands with Nikki's mom. Nikki was a wonderful person who just got mixed up with some very deranged people.


  4. Everyone,
    Thanks for sharing! Bonnie, you are a smart and resourceful woman; good for you, getting out of a bad situation. I wish you many years of happiness. I don't know where in Georgia they were from, but, backwoods or high born, they were pretty despicable!

  5. pues yo tuve un amigo desde a infancia cuya madre lo absorbio totalmente al grado que se hizo del dominio publico que dormian juntos y durante años la relacion fue asi hasta que la madre murio y dos años despues mi amigo se caso el detalle esta en que la nueva esposa era 20 años mayor que el....encontro el reemplazo de su mama

  6. pues yo tuve un amigo desde a infancia cuya madre lo absorbio totalmente al grado que se hizo del dominio publico que dormian juntos y durante años la relacion fue asi hasta que la madre murio y dos años despues mi amigo se caso el detalle esta en que la nueva esposa era 20 años mayor que el....encontro el reemplazo de su mama

  7. English, please, so we can all understand!


  8. Glad to hear the boys are fine. Yes, Nikki
    did get mixed up with some nut cases, but
    thank God she is free of them.

  9. The Spanish says the he knew of another mother and son situation and it was common knowledge they were sleeping together. Mom died and the son married a woman 20 years older, trying to replace mama.

  10. I watched that case on the id channel, those people are sickening. I read somewhere that Sonya had another son but that was not mentioned on the documentary. My guess if she does have another son,he probably requested his name NOT to be mentioned because he is ashamed & humiliated by this & does not want people to judge him through his mom & brother, if that is the case I would not blame him


  11. I would not blame him, either, Sofia.
    I think he is being smart. Sometimes,
    in cases like this, estrangement is the
    best solution.

  12. I saw the Dateline about this case and that is how I found this post. Can anyone tell me what the name of the episode on the ID Channel? I have tried searching for it to no avail....

    Thank you so much!!!

    1. There are two 1st Bio Channel the family that slays together is the series The episode is called let's play Pirates. 2nd Evil kin is the series and Mommy Dearest is Y episode.


  13. Bridget,
    I cannot recall the name of the
    ID episode, but I wonder if it was
    part of the "Deadly Women" series.
    Have you looked there. If so,
    excuse me. If not, good luck!
    Thanks for sharing!

  14. Evil kin, series 3 ep 13 mommy dearest. I'm watching as we speak in Australia. Crazy stuff


  15. Thanks for the info.
    about the episode. I am
    guessing it was done on
    other programs as well.

    You are right--sick and

  16. Watching ID episode about these 2 and googled them. Her other some Marc was arrested on child sex crimes charges earlier this spring!!!Sicko family!!!

  17. Watching ID episode about these 2 and googled them. Her other some Marc was arrested on child sex crimes charges earlier this spring!!!Sicko family!!!

  18. What goe's around come's around and both of these's lowlife's will get their's.

  19. Unknown,

    I could not agree with you more.

  20. Worse! They both will die in prison. No parole! These were a couple sick twists alright but Niki had only dated 'mamas boy' 4 months before marrying him. Ladies thats NOT long enough to know your man or what kinda nutty family you may be marrying into. However I think poor Niki was played from the jump. Mamas boy didnt want no woman. He had mama for THAT!I believe the whole relationship was engineered to do 1 THING...give mamakins grandchildren. Niki was reduced to a brood mare.thank God her mom got those sweet boys. They have a chance now. Mama and mamasboy do not. Life in prison then there HELL TO LOOK FORWARD TO! Praise God!

  21. Unknown,
    You hit it on the nail! Niki was reduced to
    a brood mare, and then discarded. Those two
    are where they now belong, and the children,
    thank God are in the right hands. Think of
    the horror had they been raised by Mama!!!!!!!!
