Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Vagina Dentata.....Again??????????????????

                              It was an exciting night, for a change, last night, on "Scream Queens," darlings. The Red Devil was in his glory, wandering about, and killing everyone in sight--even Roger, and Sam, whose death I found sad, as I had grown to like her.

                               But I mean, really, when the Kappa Girls had their slumber party, and then get into, via a game of "Truth Or Dare," vagina dentata, I wanted to scream.

                                This topic was, and never will be, handled more brilliantly than in Mitch Lichtenstein's (son of David) 2007 film, "Teeth."  You really should see it, dolls!  The last scene is so deliciously nasty, I cringed and laughed at the same time.

                                 Now, for those who may be new to things here, vagina dentata is the myth that some females have teeth in their vaginas, thereby cementing the image of Woman As Castrator, because, once the guy is in there...well, that's it.  Of course this is some myth cooked up centuries ago by sexist males, and Lichtenstein's spin on it was so memorable it cannot be topped.

                                    So, why did they have to bring it into the episode last night?  Wasn't there enough going on?

                                      A very telling moment--just before Sam is murdered, she asks, since she is soon to die, that The Red Devil, reveal himself. To his credit, he does, peeling off the mask, so that the audience cannot see.  "I knew it!, Sam says.  "I knew it was you!:"

                                       I am still thinking Jamie Lee, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        That Chad!  I would like to see him done in!  As well as Lea Michele, but then she could be the killer too.    After this show, the coffin will be nailed on her career!  At last!

                                          The thrill of the Devil chase made this episode more exciting than some of the previous episodes. Let us hope the momentum built here continues to flourish!

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