Thursday, October 1, 2015

Welcome, October!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         Can you believe we are now into the double digits months?  The year is really winding down.  Of courses, the witches from "Macbeth" love this month, as do children and adults who love to dress up in costumes, at the end of this month. Wait till you hear MY suggestion, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Let's see...there is a hurricane, theater events, a vacation for me, and who knows what other assorted goodies coming in October!  And six days till"American Horror Story--Hotel."

                              Several of my friends have birthdays this month.  And while I don't drink beer, I love the idea of the Oktoberfest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               It has its spooky overtones--which should not be overdone--but overall, this is a celebratory month!!!!!!!!  Let's keep that spirit alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Happy October, my ghosties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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