Wednesday, October 14, 2015


                            I had never heard of Rick Steves.  I did  not know he was Lutheran, with two grown children, but when I saw my beloved watching one of his travel shows, I asked myself the above question.

                             Now, Rick and wife Anne, divorced  after a long time ....long enough to raise two grown children. So, now I am thinking.....a closet case....maybe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               I have no problem; the man is kinda cute.  And he is my age--60!  So, for those of you still searching, give Rick a try!

                               But-how much do straight men know about travel and art?  I know how I must sound, but let's be honest--when a straight couple goes traveling, it is usually the female of that partnership who, first of all, does all the packing, and arranges all the cultural activities.  The straight male pays, makes arrangements for the flights, and getting to and from the airport.

                                Now, I am certain Rick knows about managing at the airport, and such.  It is his profession.  But this cultural side....uhm hmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!   As Dorothy Parker once said, "I wouldn't be a bit surprised!"

                                 I would personally welcome Rick Steve to the community! But he got to want to come out, and that has not yet happened.  And it may not.  Which is sad, when nobody is fooled.  Like John Travolta and Tom Cruise!!!!!!!!!  At least Steve does not hide behind something as bogus as Scientology!!!!!!  There are plenty of gay Lutherans!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Oh, Rick, get with the program!  Cook us a scrumptious Florentian meal, and talk about that bitch, Diana Ross!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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