Sunday, October 25, 2015

You Should Have Seen The Evil Lesbian Monster Last Night On "True Nightmares!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                  I could not find an actual photo, darlings, but this drawing is a  good replica of the actress chosen to play Nurse Robinson on the "True Nightmares" episode, "Too Rich, Too Thin."  In the segment entitled "The Story Of Linda Hazzard," there was this health place back in 1911 run by a doctor with unorthodox methods--the kind where patients keep dying, and Linda keeps collecting money!  You should have seen the scold they hired from Central Casting to play Nurse Robinson, the evil lesbian--with these looks, what else could she be????????--who was the most sadistic masseuse this side of the one in Tennessee Williams' short story, "Desire And The Black Masseur."   Which inspired "Suddenly, Last Summer."

                                  I do not k now the name of the actress who played the role of Nurse Robinson, but let me tell you, girls, she is proof that one can be ugly, and still be an actor!!!!!!!!!  Picture Ellen Corby as Grandma Walton, with her faced punched in, and this gives a pretty idea of her looks.  Or lack of them.

                                   Even Nurse Robinson had it up to a point, with Linda; she came to her senses and fled, alerting cops to what was going on.  Linda got jail time for what she did, but not enough.  She started up another health clinic, and decided to put her money where her mouth was by undergoing the same treatment herself.  Guess what?  She died, forty days later!  There's justice, for you!

                                    But the nurse playing Nurse Robinson stole the show!  I didn't know people who looked like that still existed, outside of freak shows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Ryan Murphy should get a good look at this scold!  She clearly belongs on "American Horror Story!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                       See, girls?  Sometimes being ugly can land you a break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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