Monday, November 2, 2015

I Am So Sick Of This Commercial, And This Kid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         Have you seen the fairly new Geico Peter Pan commercial????????  It is simply dreadful.  In the scene, Peter walks into a room of seniors at some social gathering. They were formerly children he had visited. The best line is when he says, "Is that you, Joanne?  You don't look a day over seventy!"  If I were Joanne, I would have smacked him across the face!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Are they kidding?  I thought the lizard was a low point, but this is even worse  First, it is an insult to seniors everywhere. Second, the kid playing Peter is not a bit cute, and let's face it, overweight for the role. Or is that the point?  Just like him coming off obnoxious?

                         I question the advertising staff at Geico. They do not know what they are doing! Who thought up this crap, in the first place?  And how could they cast such a pudge as Peter?  Or is that the point?  Is this supposed to be satire?

                         Well, it does not work. Another thing is that there has to be some Theater Queen on staff, because, if you absorb the kid's entire performance, especially the dubbed rendition of "You Make Me Feel So Young," it is obvious he is being made to channel Frankie Michaels from "MAME."  Who is still the theater's youngest TONY Award Winner ever!  Now, I know this kid has no idea who Frankie is--why should he?--but some queen on the Geico staff did, and thought this was a great idea.

                         Those of us who are Peter Pan Purists take our Barrie seriously.  Think of us Baby Boomers, who grew up with Mary Martin!!!!!!!!!!!!!  This ad is a desecration of all that is held sacred, and I want it banished from the air waves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Sparkle had the right idea with Kerri, the Sparkle Fairy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.



  1. Plus, it's supposed to be a 1965 high school reunion, so "Joanne" wouldn't even be 70 yet.


  2. There was nothing remotely funny about the commercial at all! What a dumb idea!

  3. I bet if that boy this page he would cry all the to his stretch limo than to his private jet than all the way to his 16 bedroom mansion.Which is only saying he's getting paid and your not. Hahaha


  4. Well, he's not getting paid to cover the items you mention. True, he is getting paid somehting, but would I want to look or act that obnoxious? No! And he was one of the school kids on a recent "American Horror Story." He had no lines but I recognized that ugly face! Looks like we will see more of him!

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