Sunday, November 8, 2015

This Is Where I Wanted To Eat, Yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Oh, darlings, what a day we had, yesterday!  In fact, we are home today, recovering from it!

                             I feel like we are starting to become the Bay Ridge version of the Baldwin Sisters, because this is the third bus trip we have taken, and what an experience it was.

                               Now, for boys and girls who may not know, once upon a time there were places traveled to called Gay Meccas.  One of these was New Hope, Pennsylvania.  Well, let me tell you, one can be as gay as you want in New Hope, but not out and proud, because the place, like a lot of these meccas, has homogenized like milk into suburban blandness.  Which was highlighted by the day we chose to take this trip--the Annual Apple Festival!

                               Forget the fact that we got up at five thirty to make a seven fifty five bus that turned out to be eight fifty five.  I think my beloved is still on Daylight Savings Time.  I hope I can get him up to speed by my birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!   This was far from the highlight of the day!

                                 The bus gave us an hour in New Hope, and three-and-a half hours in Peddler's Village.  I would her preferred it the other way around, because I am not some shopping maniac.  I mean, I go what I go for, and that's it!  It does not give me an orgasm, as it did many on our bus trip., just to walk into a store.  And New Hope, though small, had action going on, while Peddler's Village was like a ghost town; for every store open, there were three or four closed.  Back when I was young, this was a shopping mecca!!!!!! What killed it, I wonder?????????????

                                   So, because of this, we could not eat at Marsha Brown.  Where we did eat, Villagro, was very nice, delicious food, and we were joined by those two bon vivants, Frank and Mark, who, amidst great traffic odds, considering the day, drove over from Stockton.  Yes, girls, Hedda and Louella were at the same table, and not a napkin was thrown.

                                     Of course, you really cannot take me out of New York.  On the way out of the parking lot, I manged to crash into a side mirror of a bus.  My head hurt, but my brain seems no more damaged than it is  already!!!!!!!!!   Then, while we were walking down the main drag, I just had to sit down, because my bones were weary--see what happens when I don't get what I want?  And I wanted Marsha Brown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      So, I sit, and David goes running off. Several minutes later, he comes back with what looks like a cup of coffee for me, but what turned out to be cider.  It was delicious, and very apple flavored, but I am telling you, darlings, something else was in it.  What I don't know is what that was, whether it was part of the recipe, or something David slipped me to keep me seated and content! (Meanwhile, he comes back with a bottle of hard cider, which we brought home!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Boy, was I content, and was this stuff strong.  Half way through, I had a headache.  Did I stop drinking?  No...I just kept right on.  By the time we made it back to the bus parking lot, after I had relieved myself, we had to wait to get back on.  So, to pass the time, I stood against a pile of bricks and sang, full out, "What I Did For Love," from, of course, "A Chorus Line."  I am sure Priscilla Lopez, had she been there, would have been amazed!  It was meant as a tribute to her, but David says I was drunk!  Maybe, but I can still hit the right notes!  It's what;'s in your blood, honeys!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Anyway, almost as soon as I finished, they let us on the bus.  I wonder if they were waiting me to finish, or afraid I would sing more????????  I remember David practically pushing me into the window seat, and that the trip back to Bay Ridge seemed shorter than going.  According to David, that was because I slept most of the ride home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Did I??????????  Who knows?  One thing I know for sure--I am going to follow the Baldwin Sisters' example!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            I will make the Recipe--not drink it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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