Sunday, November 29, 2015

This Show Is Not Delivering The Goods, Like It Used To!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    What has happened to "A Crime To Remember?"  This show used to be so cutting edge dramatic, with its period recreation, and complete coverage of cases some of us, like myself, recall from childhood.  They did such a good job on Alice Crimmins and Kitty Genovese that it breaks my heart to see how far this show has sunk.

                                       Last time I wrote, they did the Roseann Quinn case, which was the basis for Judith Rossner's novel, "Looking For Mr. Goodbar," which became an acting triumph for Diane Keaton, in the film.  In the novel, you learned a lot, since so much was based on Quinn.  On this program, it was just the bare facts. I did not learn a single new thing.

                                         I thought it was a fluke.  But it was the same with Richard Speck.  Sure, it told of him breaking into a town house where eight nurses resided, near South Chicago Community Hospital, on July 14, 1966, (which was Bastille Day!!!!!!!!!!)  but I knew that ever since it was covered in the newspapers, when I was all of 11.  I wanted to learn about who Speck was, his upbringing, what issues he had with women (because, I can tell you, darlings, for him to have done this, and singlehandedly) he had to have some strong issues.  Was he a serial killer in the making?  Would he kill again?  What about the victims' families??????????????

                                      Instead, all we got was the tale of some mid-twenties cockeyed sailor drifter, who, in a drug and alcohol fueled fit of rage, did this historic crime.  As if there was no more to it than that.  Bull shit!  There was, and no one working on this show's season is interested in exploring matters deeply.

                                        A pity, because, up to now, this had been Investigation Discovery's crowned jewel.  Now it is sinking faster than the Titanic!

                                          I think my idea is better.

                                          A musical version of the whole thing, maybe called "The Nurses!"  The lights go down, a chorus of eight nurses does a kick line on stage, dressed in nurses uniforms, but with make-up to indicate they are dead, and singing the 'New Faces' theme--

                                             "You've never seen us before!
                                               We've never seen you before !"

                                          Now, THAT would garner some attention!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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