Tuesday, November 3, 2015

We Just Put Out Our "Turkey With Attitude" On Our Door, This Morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  You have to admit it, girls, Thanksgiving is a tough time for turkeys.  I am sure they wonder why the duck could not have been the National Culinary Bird.

                                    So, even though both of us eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day, (because we really don't eat that much of it, the rest of the year!) each year we hang this cardboard turkey on our apartment door, which has the most "Don't fuck with me" look on its face one could ask for.  So, I call it our "Turkey With Attitude."

                                     Which is a  nice way of giving turkeys their due, since they go through so much in November,  At least they got a musical number, "Turkey Lurkey Time," named after them, featured in "Promises, Promises," and choreographed by Michael Bennett, with that legendary trio of Baayork Lee, Donna McKechnie, and Margo Sappington.

                                       All of whom could dance the number tonight, if they had to!

                                       Meanwhile, support your local turkeys by sympathizing with their attitude.

                                       Who can blame them, dolls?????????????????

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