Tuesday, December 15, 2015

A Christmas Childhood Tradition, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Back in the days when I was young, and even more important, innocent, when I looked forward to adolescence, because I thought it would be as it was in the Archie comics, instead ot the nightmare mine turned out to be, I always looked forward, at holiday time to the latest issue of "Archie's Christmas Stocking."

                                There were a lot of comics, under the "Archie" franchise.  There was, of course, "Archie," there was "Jughead," there was "Betty And Veronica," as well as the "Betty And Veronica Spectacular, which defined ME, darlings, as well as "Archie's Pals And Gals."  And don't forget, there was "Little Archie," too, when they were all prepubescent.

                                  But 'Christmas Stocking' was always my favorite. Veronica, whom you girls know I just wanted to be, stopped being a bitch here, and was nice, even to Betty!!!!!!!!!!!!  Even Reggie toned down his snarkiness. It was good cheer, on the part of the Archie gang.

                                  I often wondered about the gang in later years, especially as I aged out my own adolescence. Despite the strong attraction to Veronica, I always believed Archie married Betty Cooper; someone more from his social background. Whereas Veronica would marry someone from hers, though not Reggie.  I always thought Jughead came out as gay, and Big Ethel as a lesbian.

                                   Am I right or wrong?  Only if someone does--or has done--an adult take on the Archie gang--can answers be obtained.

                                    Opinions, anyone??????????????

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