Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Do We Really Have To Talk About Bathroom Shame Issues?????????????????????

                               You have to hand it to "Scream Queens," as they finally seem to be finding their way, as the show winds down.  The Thanksgiving episode, wittily entitled "Head Of The Table," made good on its name, by having the highlight of the whole thing be the climactic moment, featuring that bitch Gigi's head on a silver platter.  Just where she belongs!

                                 Then there was the segment, where each was trying to guess who the serial killer is. That is when one of the Chanels (I can never keep up, darlings, except for Emma Roberts!!!!!!) revealed that she gets up in the middle of the night because she has "Bathroom Shame" issues.  Well, you want to know something, sweeties????????  So do I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   I can piss anywhere.  And note I say where, not "on whom."  I am into Golden Earrings, girls, not golden showers.  And have any of you considered the acidic content in urine?  I mean, putting that on your body????????  Not me, hons!  Grossness plus!

                                    Now, as for the other thing, I am not as extreme as the Chanel, BUT I will not do so in a public place.   I would rather get cramps or constipation, and I have.  I will only do so at home, where I am completely comfortable.  My body clock is timed perfectly to that.  Vacations are a horror, because my entire routine is violated and then the act, which I call "facing my issues," makes me feel uncomfortable and bloated if I HAVE to face them outside of home.

                                        So, I can relate.


                                          Wasn't Julia Duffy fabulous?  When she put down Chanel Oberlin and Hester, calling them tramps--YES!!!!!!!!!!  And Alan Thicke as Mr. Radwell, calling Emma Roberts trash, and suggesting her family runs an Olive Garden????????  I just LOVED it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Still, the killer's identity is not revealed.

                                             But at least it is known whose vagina has teeth, and who has the Bathroom Shame Issues!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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