Saturday, December 5, 2015

Happy Birthday, Baayork!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   I have no doubt that, if she were needed tonight, Baayork Lee, the original Connie Wong in "A Chorus Line," could walk out on stage and do just what she is doing here--40 years ago.  Today, Baayork turns 69, and is still one of the hardest working, gracious and talented people in the New York Theater community. If there are saints in that community--and I believe there are--Bayyork is certainly one of them.

                                     So, the best birthday wishes to Baayork on her natal day.  Eat, drink, dance, and show us all that things just don't stop at 60!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      And I bet she could do her famous leap from "Turkery Lurkey Time," in "Promises, Promises!!!!!!!!!"

                                        We love you, Baayork!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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