Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Have You Heard About Hypodermic Sally, Girls????????????????

                                        Or, rather, the actress who portrays her, Sarah Paulson?????????

                                         Now, I don't know if I should be saying this, because I have not yet had breakfast at Sarabeth's, with the parties involved, but I sure want to, so I can get back to all my girls!!!!!!!!!

                                            The word on the street is that, at 72, brilliant character actress Holland Taylor is declaring her sexuality. That is right, darlings, she is a lesbian!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Frankly, that is not much of a surprise. She can be whatever she want to be. But the startling news is she is dating actress Sarah Paulson, a mere 40, which is 32 years younger than Holland!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                I mean, they are old enough to be mother and daughter?  What gives??????  Does Sarah have Mommy issues???????????/

                                                  I hardly dare to fathom a guess. And who am I to stand in the way of true love??????????????

                                                    But, Holland and Sarah, if you need to talk, meet me for breakfast at Sarabeth's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                       It is where I take all my girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Wasn't she married to Cherry Jones? Talk about going from one extreme to another!


  2. She was, indeed. Though Cherry was only a mere 19 years older. Hmmmm.....
