Thursday, December 10, 2015

Here Is A Fabulous, Fictitious Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Librarians on film have gotten a bum rap, ever since "Citizen Kane," in 1941, then "It's A Wonderful Life," five years later, all the way up to a man, in "Sophie's Choice, " back in 1982.  But none can match the status of this week's winner of The Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.  Her name is Louise Elmore, and she was played by the late, great, Carrie Snodgress in a 1980 film called "The Attic," which, after you read this post, girls, you will want to see as much as I.

                            Louise outdoes Julie Harris' embittered spinster, Katherine, in 1970's "How Awful About Allan.

                              It seems Louise endures a sort of Miss Havisham existence,  She had a fiance--at least, she had that!!!!!!!!!--but she was jilted by him, the night before their wedding!!!! So, she becomes the town librarian, lives alone, except for her ailing, wheelchair bound father, played by Ray Milland, whom she takes care of.  Typical repressed spinster behavior. Except that Louise becomes friends with Emily, (Ruth Cox) whom she is training as her replacement. Typical library behavior! You see, Louise is being fired for trying to burn down the library!  I guess this is what being a spinster  librarian drives one to. What a bitch!  But you have to hand it to Louise, for trying.

                              Her only personal fulfillment is with her friend Louise--no lesbians here, just companionship.  Also, her relationship with Dickie, her pet monkey.  I don't think there is any bestiality there; at least I hope not.  And what kind of a monkey gets named Dickie??????? Remember Beppo, Super-Monkey, in the Legion Of Super-Pets, in the DC Comics, back in the Sixties???????? Beppo would have been a better name.

                              It boils down to who's nuttier--Louise or her father. In an accident, Louise discovers that her father was not disabled at all, but was only pretending to enslave him. She kills him by pushing him down a hill--good for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Then she plans to run away. But while gathering stuff to take from the house, she discovers the secret of the attic--anything of personal importance to Louise, like her fiance, Robert, and her pet monkey, Dickie, have been killed by Daddy Elmore, and stored there!!!!!!!!!!!!  I bet she goes nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                And probably ends up as the librarian/archivist at the local; insane asylum!!!!!!!!!!

                                  You just gotta love Louise Elmore, darlings!!!!!!!!!! She is a bitch, who dishes it  out, even if she is in a dying profession!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Not like Belle Watling's, though, hons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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